Saturday, February 20, 2010

How Do Squids Smell How Do I Get The Bait Smell Off My Hands?

How do i get the bait smell off my hands? - how do squids smell

Ive tried everything
I can not smell my hands squid


redneck fishin' said...

RUBB Mudd and take in your hands, then take the soap, then wash your hands thoroughly and if the work, the use (smell PROXID I do not know if it is a shame to try a good thing to, but)

Chimp dancer said...

To make each cirtus like a lemon or orange. Believe it or not, can put the toothpaste on the crest and water to dilute the will to do. Other means are vinegar, mixed Clorox, special soaps (for fishing), tomato juice, alcohol (germ x) and burned wood like walnut or mesquite made with soap. I do not want too many worries about the smell after washing their hands, will soon ... You just get used to it and it does nothing. ;)

The shop said...

All these things work, but I thought it worth mentioning that, if the bait is fresh smell that is not bad, like a cuttlefish bait is fairly clean and the bait you can improve your catch. Squid are at the first signs of decay removed, fresh bait is always effective.

fidgetyf... said...

Soap made of stainless steel. Brilliant, get rid of the odors, including fish - is not without its ......

You can get them on eBay ........ ...

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